The Original NoteBuyer’s Online Academy With 6 Months Of Easy As 1, 2, 3 Coaching


Or 2 Payments of $748.50 ($1497)

BONUS #1  

If you invest in the Online Academy by Noon on Saturday, February 17th, I’ll give you back $1,000 of your purchase price when we flip a performing seller-carryback note together:

  1. You follow one of the marketing strategies in the class on “Finding Performing Seller-Financed Notes.”
  2. When you have a potential note seller, email me a submission form.  That’s when the hands-on coaching starts.  I will walk you through the entire transaction.
  3. We will use my investors.  When we close, we split the profit 50/50.

Out of my 50%, I will give you back $1,000 of your purchase price.

BONUS #2  

The Option Workshop – Master the Power of Partials and Options
Retail Value:  $397


  • 5+ Hours of Hands-on Training, Discussion, and Q&A
  • Complete Documentation Package of Donna’s Option Agreement (Digital Download)
  • Video Replay of the complete Saturday Workshop


Upcoming LIVE Q&A Sessions with Donna on Zoom at 7 pm EST

  • Monday, March 11th
  • Wednesday, April 17th
  • Friday, May 17th


RMG Workshops • Copyright 2024