The Online Academy has 10 courses hand-crafted by Donna to get you on board with note buying as quickly as possible. Each course has Donna’s latest, most comprehensive teaching on each topic. If you start at the beginning and finish these 10 courses, you will be prepared to talk with note buyers, give quotes, make offers, close deals, and earn a profit on your note flips or investments—plus a lot more.
Each course includes lessons, video and audio downloads, relevant manuals and worksheets, and other resources to help you learn.
Donna’s Easy as 1, 2, 3 Coaching is the best hands-on training you’ll find in the note market. Donna will walk you through each step of the note transaction, give you feedback on your communication with the note seller, and prepare all the paperwork. Once the deal closes, you’ll split the profit 50/50. The 6 month period starts when you invest in the program, and the coaching itself starts once you submit a note lead.
Donna has been producing the industry’s best note buying training for decades. Over the years, she has accumulated many hours of video training, as well as many books, forms, and other resources. Even though she’s already chosen the cream of the crop for the new Online Academy, Donna is still giving her students access to her compendium of knowledge.
You’ll get access to all of these resources to dive even deeper into note buying:
RMG Workshops • Copyright 2024