Complete Personal Planning Package


 A step by step on how to prepare your Revocable Living Trust. My audio explanations guide you through the document templates to show you where you need to edit the forms to make them work for your specific situation. They are not just fill-in-the-blank forms. A simple fill in the blank form is no good to you. These forms will be adapted to your needs. Don’t worry, you can do it

    • Revocable Living Trust
    • Last Will and Testament
    • The Durable Power of Attorney
    • Singles Trusts
    • Transfer Documents
    • Certification of Trust
    • Irrevocable Insurance Trust
    • Children’s Trust 2503
    • And many, many more!

exclusive bonuses!!

Bonus 1: Advanced Tax Tactics (Online)

This is stuff you don’t get from your accountant.  Yes, they know all about it, but they won’t advise you on what you need to do.  It’s a liability for them.  As soon as they start to counsel you, they become liable.  There’s no liability in taking your numbers and plugging them into the computer.  But, if they tell you what you can do, they become liable.  If you bring the ideas to them, they will support you fully.

  • $799 value!
  • Nearly four hours of plain English audio tutorial with step-by-step information
  • Supporting IRS documents to show you what to do
  • Ideas to let you lead accountants to where you want them to go. (You have to make sure they are taking care of you.)
  • Ways you can cut your chances of an audit.  We show you audit triggers and observations you don’t know about unless you have worked on the inside.  Your accountants just don’t know because they’ve never see it from the inside.

Bonus 2: Virtuous-online TWO-DAY Boot Camp Training

Boot Camp Includes…
    • How to Create an Operating Agreement for an LLC that Provides More Asset Protection Shielding
    • How to Protect a “Good” Property from a Property that Is Upside Down and Sinking
    • How to Take an Extra $10,000 Off Your Income and Drop to a Lower Tax Bracket – that Means You Spend More of Every Dollar You Make
    • How to See the Big Picture of Asset Protection, Tax Planning, Business Structuring, plus Estate Planning, and How They Fit Together
    • How to Get Out of the Real Estate Rat Race WITHOUT A TAX!
    • How to Avoid what the IRS is Gunning for when You Buy Real Estate in Your Roth IRA
    • How to Build Your Own Asset Protection Shield to Protect Your Real Estate and Your Business
    • How to Keep from Being Screwed by Life Insurance Companies. Life Insurance is a Big Tax Tool and Necessary Part of Most People’s Life, BUT You Don’t Need to Be BURNED. (Don’t worry, you won’t get sold life insurance. It’s just a tool we’ll study.)
    • How to Protect Your Investments in Today’s Uncertain Economy
    • How to Run a Professional Practice/Business and Get Asset Protection
    • How to Get Double the ASSET PROTECTION Your Attorney Talked About