RMG--a Mastermind for Real Estate Association Leaders who CARE.

We’re a nationwide group of association owners and boards that work hard to bring our members the most robust, market-relevant education and to build communities of successful, ethical, supportive investors.

We meet monthly to learn, share, and be accountable.

If you’re a director or owner of an association and want to grow your group and it’s value to the world, contact us for membership information.

Do You Know About Express Success? It’s Our 12 Month Coaching Program

Express Success Program

Our Express Success Program Gives You the Education and Expert Support You Need.

As An Express Success Member, You Get:

  • Monthly group coaching webclasses
  • On-Demand member-only access to over 100 hours of  “basic skills” videos
  • Online coaching from Vena Jones-Cox
  • A roadmap for creating your own, personalized business plan
  • A full year’s worth of Online Saturday workshops

Designed to help YOU get your real estate business off the ground fast, and right!

Spring 2025 Saturday Online Masterclasses

Apr 12th: An Insider’s Guide to Successful Short Sales
Julia Iden
Julia Iden
Apr 26th: How to Underwrite Private Loans
Chris McCarty Head shot
Chris McCarty
May 10th: Understanding
Land Trusts
Todd VanMeter
Todd VanMeter

Getting educated by the most experienced practitioners in the real estate business is crucial to your wealth—but it doesn’t have to be expensive!

Our famous Saturday Online Masterclasses are proof: they’re inexpensive, they’re all “live” on Zoom, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch to learn, to ask questions, and interact with our experts and your fellow wealth seekers, and they’re also all recorded, and you’ll get a download for your real estate library of every single one you register for.

Here’s what’s coming up this quarter:

January 11th: Set the RIGHT Goals Workshop with Robert Mohon

If you’re tired ending every year disappointed with your progress, it’s time to spend a day learning to set AND REACH the goals that will get you closer to the life and business you want. You’ll find out why setting fewer goals and making better plans will get you farther, why both SMART goals and stretch goals are crucial—and you’ll also create actionable, written goals right in this workshop. Members $47, non-members $97 through January 9th

January 25th: The Fundamentals of Getting Seller-Held Financing with Vena Jones-Cox

Subject to might be all the rage, but seller-held notes are often more flexible and profitable. Learn which sellers are open to carrying notes, how to evaluate what you can pay, how to negotiate the deal you want, what paperwork you’ll need, and more.  Members $47, non-members $97 through January 23rd

February 8th:  How and Why to Flip Land Instead of Houses with Joe McCall

 If you’re sick of all the competition in the wholesaling business, and looking for a quick-cash strategy that you can literally do with just a computer and a printer, you need to learn about flipping land. It’s just as profitable as flipping houses, but far easier to do and systematize.  Members $47, non-members $97 through February 6th

February 22nd: The Roadmap to TRUE Passive Income with Marc Halpern

Is your ultimate goal in real estate TRUE passive income—the kind where you have financial freedom AND freedom of time? That’s a journey that you need to plan out carefully to make sure you get to the end. You’ll learn the steps to get from active investing (flips, BRRRR, and rentals) to true passive investments (syndications) in the quickest possible time. Members $47, non-members $97 through February 20th

March 8th: How to Find, Hire, and Manage Contractors with Ray Sasser

The hardest (and riskiest) part of flips and turnovers is finding the right contractors…and keeping them on time and on budget, and knowing how and when to pay them. Learn the process to follow and the pitfalls to avoid from an investor with over 4 decades’ experience in rehabbing.  Members $47, non-members $97 through March 6th

March 22nd: How to Invest in Notes with Tracy Z and Fred Ruwey

Looking for an easy-to-understand explanation of how to invest in—or flip—notes, that also comes with a $397 home study course about exactly how to evaluate them? Look no further. If you’ve EVER considered investing in notes, don’t even think about missing this class. Members $97, non-members $197 through March 20th

Who Do I Contact for Questions?

If you have any questions, please contact sara@regoddess.com or tel. (513) 471-0700 we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.